The Opiate of the People.

When was the last time you saw something good on television? Over here television is made up of fifty percent docu-soap crap, forty percent cheaply made american imports and the rest is somewhere between ok and decent. Good is not an adjective I’ve been able to use for a long time while talking about television.…

Talking with a Burmese about Politics.

     Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD) has won a landslide victory in Myanmar after general elections on 8 November. It was the country’s first national vote since a nominally civilian government was introduced in 2011, ending nearly 50 years of military rule. The NLD now has control of parliament and can…

The war between ISIS and Anonymous!

   So Anonymous, the hacktivist network, has vowed to take on ISIS. This is quite an interesting development and not one which was so unexpected, Anonymous have been targeting extremists since the Charlie Hebdo attacks but let’s have a look at what is happening here. Throughout history there have been struggles where a larger power…

Unintelligent Design.

Intelligent design (ID) is the pseudoscientific view that “certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection. Natural selection is the gradual process by which heritable biological traits become either more or less common in a population as a function…

Keeping It Real.

In a previous post I mentioned reality. How very blasé of me; what is reality. Everything we experience is so intensely subjective that one single answer for that surely cannot be possible. I can watch something unfold before me and yet when I discuss this with the person by my side they have experienced it…

Stop The Glorification of Busy.

Time is a strange concept really, I gave it bit of thought quite a few years ago then left it alone. What I came to is probably not original but Im sure it can be thought about anyway. You see I know there are both cyclical and linear theories of time but I was thinking…